The Hague is oozing with its fair share of expatriate men between all the international organizations in the area (e.g. International Court of Justice, NATO) and the embassies here. I am also surrounded by them at work. It reminds me of my Academy days except that the guys here are much older... like over 40 mostly. There are few guys around my age, but not many. I need to start attending thoses after-work parties hosted by the international organizations in the area to check out the goods there. One of the girls at work told me the other day though that there is a really cute 'Special Agent' in our building somewhere, who is an American, and about my age... but I have yet to see him. Surely, I would have noticed if there was someone that cute walking around the office. But who wants to talk about men at work?? Let's talk about Dutch guys. To sum it all up, Dutch men are tall and cheap. Ever wondered why they call it 'going Dutch'? I hadn't been able to get a single Dutch guy to buy me lunch or dinner until I met my roommate... but he lived in the U.S. for 5 years. Okay, to be fair, none of these guys ever had a reason to buy me anything, and there was one Dutch guy who paid for a night at the movies. The tall thing is no problem for most girls I think, except that when I go shopping, I have a bit of a hard time 'cuz girls here are tall too.
Oh, I met a Dutch guy that I thought was cute. I didn't think it was possible (I was told there was no such thing) but my theory was proved wrong. However, perhaps the overall quality of this guy is slightly not up to par. He is a construction worker so his English is not impeccable and he is not filthy rich. Okay, no one I know is really filthy rich but let's just say he does not appear to be financially stable. And who needs to talk when you're having sex?? Wait... did I just say that? No, no, no.... I'm not that kind of a girl. Or am I? Anyways, I met him in a club... what did I expect? Most people have theories about people you meet in the pubs and such... well, this theory is yet to be disproved.
Without going into too much details, I thought perhaps spending Valentine's Day with this guy is not such a bad idea. At least there weren't any red flags. The problem was, he has not asked me out. He sent me an SMS earlier today though asking if I was going to be online (when I first met him, I thought he was too cheap to call, but he has called me a few times since.) I didn' t exactly have the time to chat at the moment so I busted out with a "No, but do you have plans for tomorrow?" I am breaking all the 'Rules' here by initiating this, but I've never really had much of a problem making the moves in the past, and usually, it's worked out for the better. So this ding bat (yeah, you X) replies - "Depends. A friend and I may go see a bunker. Why? What do you want to do?" Er... hello??? So you might wonder, do they not celebrate Valentine's Day here? Well, there are enough shops marketing shit for Valentine's Day that unless you were a recluse you'd know what day tomorrow was. My polite reply to his ignorance was "It's Valentine's Day. I thought perhaps it would be nice to have a date." So I got "Ok. How about a movie?" Good boy. Now how about a dinner to go with that movie?
We Dutch consider our friends, male and female, to be of equal standing. This means that it usually works out that you pay for one meal, and your friend will pay for another meal at the next occasion. Variations are possible, depending on financial status. I have had several female friends who are quite adamant about 'paying their own way' and not wanting to be viewed as dependent on their dining partner. As for Valentine's Day - that's considered an imported festivity that is being promoted by the post office first and some greeting card manufacturer's next. As such, it's not a given. Personally, I don't like the concept much - if you like someone, why pick a special day to let him or her know? What do you do on other days? On the other hand, maybe having such a day could mean that inhibitions about sending cards could be lower. The chances of being shot down over an expression of appreciation and affection might also be lower. Anyway, enjoy your date.
ReplyDeleteAnd of course,
Happy Valentine's Day!
Oh, and it's good to know that I am not considered 'cute' :-)
ReplyDeleteYou really didn't just say this? Did you?.... oh I'm embarrassed for my little girl. Ha
ReplyDeleteLove Dad...