Monday, October 16, 2006

The Trip Home (#1)

I just got back this morning from a week back home in the U.S. The flight sucked cuz it was cold and I could not sleep (it was a red eye). Somehow I got a free 1st class upgrade on the ORF->Chicago leg, but it was a pretty useless upgrade. You get a drink (OJ or H2O) before the flight and a little more leg room. That's it. I wish they'd givem me an upgrade on the int'l leg.

During the week, I was in VB and NC to see my two brothers. That meant I only had like 3 days in each place, which wasn't nearly enough time to do anything. I didn't get to see all my friends, eat my favorite sushi, or much of anything for that matter. I did lots of shopping though - perhaps too much - and boy did that suck (I hate shopping). Anyways, so I get all these vacation days, but at least a good 2 or 3 weeks of it has to be spent back in U.S. to see family/friends. Damn it.

Btw, my brother has one of those trash cans that has a motion sensor operated lid. So you can pretend like you are a Jedi, wave your had in front of the lid, say "open" or any other appropriate mind controlling phrase, and viola! The lid opens. Now, this got me thinking - they already have touch free flushing in many public restrooms. How great would it be if you had a toilet seat, in your home, that goes up and down at the wave of a hand?? No more arguing between the man and the woman as to whether the lid should stay up or down.

So jet lag coming this way means tomorrow morning when I get up at 8, it's gonna feel like 2am. Fabulous.


  1. you seem to be blogging a lot about toilets lately.

  2. yeah you didn't get to see all of your friends... and for the ones you did... i can't say much except, sorry i sucked for company.

  3. And now, of course, we all can't wait to hear about your wonderful trip to Greece!

  4. Toilets? Just use the bushes, like the rest of us.
