This entry is a bit late 'cuz I haven't had internet connection at home until now and I didn't want to hang around late at work just so I can blog.

Yeah, so I went to Norway from 12-15 Aug to hang out with a friend who is from Haugesund, which is on the West coast in the fjords. His family owns a cabin there by the sea and a small boat. Fortunately the weather was better there than in Holland (summer is already over here) so we were able to ride around the water on the first day. My friends also did/tried wakeboarding but I had to watch as I did not have a wet suit. What I saw of Norway was really beautiful. I bet there are more beautiful places though, and I've found couple of places I would like to visit next time I am in the country again. One is called the Pulpit and the other is 'Kjeragbolten' - the big rock wedged in between two cliffs (same rock seen in the video of the dancing dude). Both were actually within a few hours of where I was staying! This time around though, we spent too much time drinking and recovering to see much. We did make it to Bergen though on the last full day there. If you ever go there, take the cable car up the highest mountain there for a great view. There are also some trails you can do a bit of walking on (we only did a short one around a lake though).
Pictures here.
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