Prior to leaving the Hague, I was some what stressed about the idea of coming here. I was not looking forward to the crowds, bumming lodging off of friends (I really cannot stay with Mom too long and stay sane), and the possibility of being extrememly busy during my 2.5 week stay. I also did not really want to stop working since I was on a roll with one of my tasks. Well, perhaps my bah, humbug attitude towards Christmas did not allow me to have a positive outlook towards this upcoming trip. It wasn't until the last day of work, after I left the office, that I finally felt free and excited about this trip.
The flight from Amsterdam via Munich was about 14 hours - almost a 24 hr travel time altogether, door to door. My plan was to split my time up between 3 friends so I didn't impose on any one person too much, but would be able to spend quality time with each. I have just arrived at friend #2's place... and she had to run back to work. It's almost 8pm and she's still not done. She works at the same company I used to work at for 5 years in Tokyo and NYC. Every once in a while, I miss the money I used to make there, but then you see her working her butt off and then I remind myself "the grass is always greener...."
Anyways, my stay with friend #1 was a success. The last 5 days went by pretty fast. During that time, I also saw Mom and 4 other friends. It started off with a party on Saturday night, but my friends and I ended up leaving it since it was boring. Unless you know lots of people that are going, or have an opportunity to meet cute people of the opposite sex, I don't really see the point in parties. If I'm just going to chat with a few friends, I would much rather do it somewhere more quiet. So that's what we did. (The odds of actually meeting a decent Western guy at a club in Japan is pretty much nil.) On Sunday, I went to an onsen (hot spring) village in the city. There I enjoyed lots of good food, shows, and hot baths. We spent the whole day there.
Monday was Christmas, but it really did not feel like it here in Tokyo. There are few place in the city that are decorated for the occasion, and I was near none of them. The day was spent with friend #1 and a mutual friend from out of town at a spa and at home eating chicken and Christmas cake (both a Japanese thing). It really felt like just another day, but nevertheless, it was a good day. Tuesday was spent with the same friends, and I finally got my (short) karaoke session in. I suck as usual, but it didn't stop me from belting out hits by Eurythmics, Guns 'n' Roses, Britney Spears, Tiffany, Sir-mix-a-lot, and Bonnie Tyler.
I suspect that the next few days will be less hectic. Friend #2 has to work until Friday, and most of my friends are out of town for the year end. This is my chance to get some shopping in. I'm not quite sure what we will do for NYE yet tho. It really isn't celebrated much in Japan. I suspect any countdown event will pale in comparison to the Times Square one that I've already done. Parties will most likely suck for reasons I've already mentioned - unless friend #2 has some really cool friends. So what's left?? I don't know. It would be nice to do something unique for year end, but I'm pretty much out of ideas. Maybe we will be welcoming 2007 from a karaoke box....
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