I cut Friday pretty short to come home, shower, and catch the night train at Utrecht (about 30 min from Den Haag). The train arrived in Munich around 7ish, and I went straight to the Wombat hostel to drop my luggage off and caught the 7:51 train to Fussen. By the time I got there tho, there were already loads of people and the bus to Hohenschwangau was packed. I booked it to the ticket off where there was a 20 min queue. I got to the cashier by 11, but my tour did not start until 1:15. I grabbed currywerst and fries for lunch, and then started the walk up to the castle. It’s a pretty steep walk – more like a hike. Took about 20 min or so, and another 10 min up to the look out point at Marienbrucke (Mary’s bridge). This bridge hung pretty high over a gorge, and it was full of tourists. I wondered if it would ever collapse under the weight it often bears. After getting my photos, I still had time so I hiked down the gorge about 10 min and back. Nice walk, and I could’ve gone further, but I wasn’t sure how long it would take to go back up the steep set of stairs.

I showered after checking in to the hostel, and spent some time chatting with the girls in my dorm. I then started reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and fell asleep pretty early. The sleep I got on the train last night was not really that good.
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