Saturday, September 16, 2006

Dog Shit

One of the first things I noticed when I first arrived here was that there was dog shit everywhere. The Dutch people do not pick after their dogs. Even though I was disgusted, it was of just minor irritance - until recently. As I was finishing up my yard work, I noticed that my neighbors' dogs had been shitting in my back yard. I didn't complain just yet though, since you would really never know given the state my yard my was in. So I was ready to let that slide too, until the next morning, when I woke up and walked out the front door only to find - guess what? - a huge f***ing terd right on the sidewalk in front of my apartment. I was little more than annoyed this time and was ready to start an anti-dog shit rally and call the press. Except I had to go to work.... Seriously though, why is this tolerated in this country? I heard that there is a law passed now against this, but it is not enforced. The government really needs to sponsor some educational materials to make their people realize how much nicer their country would be without all this shit everywhere. A commericial, a speech from the queen, street signs, posters, anything!!! One of these days, someone will start an anti-dog shit rally, and that person is going to be my hero.

1 comment:

  1. There's a guy at work who refers to this place as "Dog Shit City". It could be worse, I've been dodging a nice long trail of horse shit on my way to work all week.
