The show really made me think about how much time I spend on-line these days. During the show, they asked the audience how many people had iPods. About half raised their hands, including me. Then they asked how many people had laptops. Again, about half raised their hands including me. Then they asked how many people had a MySpace site. A few hesistant hands went up, including me. Does that make me a geek?? In the past, if I was bored, I would pick up a book, watch TV, or find something productive to do. These days, I could endlessly and needlessly spend hours on-line if I wanted. I like feeling connected to my friends all around the world, but sometimes I wonder why I'm still on-line even when I'm done chatting or checking e-mails. Fortunately I feel like I have enough of a life at the moment that I'm not spending too much time on-line, but still, I should pick up a book again. Anyone have one they recommend?
Lucky you... just imagine that they would have followed up asking how many people there had a blog! ;)