I arrived in Holland this morning at 10am Amsterdam time. I was picked up by my dear friend Lukasz who took me to my home for the next 2 months. I am renting a room from a Dutch guy named Kees (pronounced 'case') who works in our office. It just so happens that he lives in the same building as Lukasz, as well as many other people who work with us. Right next door to us is Theo. Down the hall a bit more is Melanie, Lars, and Rune. There are others from the office too that I know but haven't spent much time with. Supposedly, the HR guy recommends this place to all new hires. Either he is getting commission or he just wants everyone close enough to go hang out at Crazy Pianos on Friday night. In any case, it's convenient to live close to the people I hang out with. I'll let you know later if it's too close.

So this guy, Kees, has a 3 bedroom apartment in this building. I get the guest bedroom fully furnished. He's spent some time in the U.S. so there doesn't seem to be much of a cultural barrier between us. He's also laid back so everything should work out fine. This is my 4th move in the past year and I've been living out of suitcases for the last 5 months. I am starting to itch for my own place. I suppose once I graduate and get a stable job I can get my own place again.
View from bedroom windowI seem to have brought the good weather with me to Holland. It's sunny today, and not so cold. At least I have not had to pull out the ski jacket... yet. The other problem I usually have here is food. Last time, I pretty much lived on slices of Chorizo sausage and Gouda cheese on bread. I'm not sure I want to stick to that diet this time so I need to think of something new to subsist on.
Glad you made it over safe and sound...what's up with the food in Holland??? Not that there's anything wrong with chorizo and gouda cheese but is that all there is?! (Yes, leave it to me to want to know about the food...:))