Lukasz and I were drunk, drunk, drunk by the time we left Crazy Pianos. We had a tequila shot to start, and I had a bottle, or two, or three of Smirnoff Ice. Lukasz mixed drinks, and beer. The other guys from work kept buying us drinks too…. Anyhow, I ended up staying at Lukasz for the night, but because we had a 7 am tram to catch from my home, we had to get up at 0530 to bike over to my place so I can wash up and grab my stuff. We got there in just enough time for me to do all that, and grab Mimi, and we were on our way to Central Station.

The ride to Koblenz was like 4 hours with a change over in Utrecht and Cologne. We stopped once in Cologne so Lukasz can see the cathedral, and so Mimi and I could look for Birkenstocks. I found a pair. Once in Koblenz, we found a place to stay for 85 euros all together. Not bad considering all the events going on in the area at the time. We spent the rest of the day walking around Koblenz taking silly photos. There are a lot of basilicas. Another point of interest was where the Mosel meets the Rhine. Later in the night, we ferried over across the Rhine to check out the Fortress. There was some Goth party going on, but we didn’t go in. The view of Koblenz from the fortress at night was pretty nice tho.
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