Since last night was a late night, I didn’t get up until like 1pm today. I had planned to go to watch Lukasz play soccer at 2:30, so I got ready, ate lunch, and rushed out a bit after 2. I ended up not being able to figure out the right bus stop and missed a bus or 2 so I got there quite late. I also had a hard time finding the entrance to the park but I bumped into Rune luckily, so he gave me a lift to the right field. They did not have an actual game today because they were short people, but I still got to watch Lukasz play. (Even if he missed 3 of 4 goals while I was there). Rune gave me a lift home afterwards, and I chilled for couple hours until it was time to go to our going away party at Trond’s. Lukasz came here first to pick me up, and then we walked over to Trond’s. Quite a few people showed up – Me, Lukasz, Mimi, Dario, Marc, Sunny, Trond, Lars, Loanna, Thomas, Christa, Joe, Theo, Gorik, Marco, Cedric, Isabelle, and Rune. Trond cooked for us, so we had a really nice meal with champagne, wine, the works. Afterwards, we ended up doing a bit of karaoke. I was awful as usual. Lukasz actually sang pretty well tho. The karaoke died down after a while, and people trickled out. Right about when Mimi and Dario was about to leave tho, Gorik apparently had gotten sick all over the corridors in the building. They gave him a lift home and Lukasz and Lars ended up cleaning the corridors. A few of us sat around chatting for a while after most people left. Maybe around 3 or so, I finally started getting tired and headed home.